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Jamie Bass
More on Designing Websites for Those Who Think Differently
Earlier this year, I wrote a post about how important it is to keep neurodiversity* in mind when designing websites. [*Neurodiversity: a...

Jamie Bass
Feng Shui for TV Sets: Sitcom Edition, Part 2
(Did you read Part 1 yet? You don’t HAVE to in order to read this one, but it makes things a lot more fun!) The next installment in this...

Jamie Bass
Feng Shui for TV Sets: Sitcom Edition, Part 1
I'm back at it! If you remember from my inaugural post critiquing old movie and TV sets from a feng shui perspective, I started with a...

Jamie Bass
Do I Have To?
Are you nervous to explore feng shui more deeply because you’re afraid you’ll have to do things to your space that you won’t want to? Or,...

Jamie Bass
Just for Today
Reiki, which is a natural healing technique that uses a gentle laying on of hands, was founded in 1922 in Japan by Mikao Usui. It...

Jamie Bass
How to Organically Boost Your SEO
Unless you’ve been living on a deserted island for the past 20 years, you know that the world is moving more and more online. This has...

Jamie Bass
Feng Shui for Movie Sets: RomCom Edition
If you follow Your Digital Essence on Instagram, you know that I love passive entertainment so much that I thought it would be fun to...

Jamie Bass
Designing Websites for Those Who Think Differently
If you’ve surfed the web lately, you’ve probably noticed that not all websites are created equally. There are currently about 1.8 billion...

Jamie Bass
The Five Elements: Water
Ok here it is! The final element. For a quick refresher, I’ve already laid out the characteristics associated with Wood, Fire, Earth, and...

Jamie Bass
The Five Elements: Metal
By now, you’re familiar with the qualities associated with the Wood, Fire, and Earth elements. But perhaps there is no element more...

Jamie Bass
The Five Elements: Earth
You’ll remember that I'm in the middle of a series exploring the different qualities of each one of the Five Elements, and I’ve already...

Jamie Bass
The Five Elements: Fire
This series continues the exploration of each one of the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) because, as I mentioned in...

Jamie Bass
The Five Elements: Wood
As you know by now, the concept of the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water) is a crucial tenet of feng shui. And I...

Jamie Bass
Feng Shui Core Concepts: FIVE ELEMENTS
Like Tao, Yin/Yang, and Chi, the Five Elements are a big deal in feng shui. According to Chinese philosophy, these elements – Wood, Fire,...

Jamie Bass
Feng Shui Core Concepts: CHI (Part 2)
In the last post, I discussed how Chi is an integral part of our environments. Our perception of our surroundings, and thus how we...
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