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Jamie Bass
First Impressions
Why is our first look into a space so important? Well, it often tells us a lot about how we’re going to feel.

Jamie Bass
The Armory & Gymnasium at Ohio State University
Have you ever considered that how a structure makes us feel can contribute to what happens within its walls?

Jamie Bass
How a Dining Room Impacts Group Dynamics
Does it ever feel like a group of people, when sharing a meal in a formal dining room, can act completely differently than they might if the

Jamie Bass
Feng Shui for Movie Sets: Mafia Edition
And, now, for a true classic. For this edition of critiquing TV and movie sets from a feng shui perspective, we’re going to dive into a...

Jamie Bass
Holons, Round 3
Yep, we’re still talking about holons! (For a refresher on what they are, read here and here.) You may remember that in feng shui, we use...

Jamie Bass
Holons, Round 2
In the last post, we introduced the concept of holons and discussed what an important tool they are in feng shui, as they help us to...

Jamie Bass
Don't Forget About the Holons!
If you’re on this blog, you already believe that place can be a powerful tool for shaping change. I practice a contemporary, Western form...

Jamie Bass
Some More Good Feng Shui Memes
You know the drill. Enjoy! Missed the first group of memes? Check them out here!

Jamie Bass
Some Good Feng Shui Memes
Well, according to me. Enjoy! Let's keep the good meme times rolling!

Jamie Bass
Feng Shui for TV Sets: Teen Soap Edition
Are you ready to travel back in time to 2003? Can you hear the Phantom Planet theme song haunting your dreams? Grab your low-rise jeans and

Jamie Bass
Design With Feng Shui in Mind
The last piece of the “how to apply feng shui principles to websites” puzzle concerns (you guessed it!) the design of the site. The...

Jamie Bass
How Your Website Works Is As Important As How It Looks
There tends to be a lot of emphasis placed on the design part of website design, but arguably one of the most important elements of a...

Jamie Bass
Your Website Has a Feel(ing) To It
Since you’re reading this, I’m going to assume that you have some familiarity with feng shui, or at least find it a bit intriguing. As a...

Jamie Bass
How We Interact With Our Spaces
People are often surprised by how accurately a feng shui consultant can deduce certain things about them based on their space. While it...

Jamie Bass
How to Add Vitality to Your Home
Now that we’re all home so much (thanks, 2020), you may be taking more of a critical eye to your surroundings. Typically, under normal...
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